NBX- Neighborhood Bible Experience
May 16 - August 29 2021
This year we are over-the-top excited for the opportunity to take some of our summer experiences out of our walls and into our communities to share our love and passion for Jesus with our friends, families and neighbors- the people we see and have a connection with outside of our church walls!
NBX stands for Neighborhood Bible Experience and it is geared towards building relationships with families and children in your individual communities (neighbors, school friends, nieces/nephews, grandchildren, etc.). Through our relationships, playing together, and inviting others into our lives, people get to see Jesus through the life we live. Think playdates, backyard Bible club and neighborhood VBS. These are intentional gatherings with Jesus in mind. We want to invite our church to take this next step.
Visit the Press Play NBX table outside the worship center for more information and to pick up your packet. Have questions? Just ask at the table.